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About Familjens Jurist

Make your world a little safer

Many of life’s most important events, such as getting married, having children, moving abroad or losing a loved one, involve legal questions that have a major impact on you and your family. It’s at times like these that you need help from an experienced lawyer who ensures that you get exactly the support you need and want.

At Familjens Jurist, we’re here to take care of all the financial and legal issues relating to private and family life. We can help you with cohabitation agreements, title deeds, gift deeds, estate inventories, prenuptial agreements, and wills. We can represent you in divorce proceedings, custody disputes, and cases related to immigration and forced intervention. And we do all this with a high degree of commitment and expertise.

Familjens Jurist has a foreign unit staffed with lawyers who are specialised in international private law. We also work closely with a large number of qualified lawyers specialised in family law not only in Sweden, but also around the world. Lawyers from international bar associations who are members of our unique network – Familjens Jurist Preferred Partner – are carefully selected by us.

Welcome to Familjens Jurist – Sweden’s largest law firm in family law.